Welcome to my blog! Click the logo on the right when you want to return here. RSS feed
If you are a new reader I invite you to read the first post titled “Hello World!”
Welcome to my blog! Click the logo on the right when you want to return here. RSS feed
If you are a new reader I invite you to read the first post titled “Hello World!”
A very late annual review of what happened in my life during 2024, and what my goals are next.
A series of (rather disarranged) thoughts on the possible negative effects of AI on beginner’s creativity in the future.
A review of my achievements of 2023 and my plans for the coming year.
In the last few years, I’ve been carrying out so many activities.
A review of my achievements of 2022 and plans for the coming year.
A collection of thoughts, observations and reflections I’ve recently had on the rapid diffusion of AI and its socioeconomic impact.
The Italian school system and how school works in Italy in general as of 2022, also from a student perspective.
A list of my personal favourite Ludovico Einaudi’s songs of all time.
A post about my achievements of this year, 2021, and the goals to achieve in the next one.
This special post contains a list of video games useful for education, a guide for their implementation in class, tons of resources about this topic and my reflections on the benefits of gaming in school.
In this post I’ll share my thoughts about a situation I recently found myself in and digress a bit on some other things.
In this post I’m going to explain the process behind the cover video I posted on July 18th of the song Experience by Ludovico Einaudi.
In the following post I’m going to introduce this blog and talk a bit about myself and plans for the future.