
Hi, I’m Samuel Mediani. You can consider this entire blog an about page, but here you will find a summary.

I am a student from Italy who loves programming and learning new things. I’m attending the fourth year of upper secondary school in the IT technical institute, but I built this blog by learning the skills I needed as a self-taught. I like experimenting with pretty much every aspect of developing and trying out new things in order to learn from them and improve myself. For now, I have done some work in app, web and video game development, but I also experiment in other fields such as image processing, creative coding and digital illustration. Currently, I’m not specialized in any of these fields in particular, I’m still finding the best one for me.

My goals for this blog are multiple: explore and share my reflections and ideas about a broad range of topics (from music to programming, from life to education), but also share interesting passions, discoveries and stories that I experience and possess during my living.
It’s basically a public diary where I write my thoughts and other things to keep and preserve them but also where I track my progress and share information with other people. I’m fascinated by the idea of leaving the mark of my life to posterity and contributing to the evolution of society, however small the impact might be.

These are some links that somehow have to do with me:

  1. Personal website
  2. GitHub
  3. Twitter